Friday, February 08, 2008


It snowed about 5 inches or so here on Tuesday night. So on Wednesday we had a snow day! They even canceled classes at KU (that rarely happens). Yea! Chad went to work clearing our driveway with the snow shovel and I got Emily bundled up for some fun in the snow. We don't have any good snow gloves for Emily yet, so our past attempts of helping her enjoy the snow haven't gone so well. We decided to dress her in her warm coat for next year (as you can see it's a bit large). We hoped the long sleeves would make up for the lack of gloves.

When Chad finished the shoveling the snow, he made a snowball for Emily. It was a HUGE hit! It was all she could talk about for the rest of the day. She can sign and say the word ball (and is obsessed with pointing out all the "balls" that she sees- from oranges to footballs). Chad told her it was a snowball. So she held it proudly and said, "snowball"!

Overall our snow adventure was a huge success. However, we did have a small casualty. Emily was a little sad that we brought her in from all of her snow exploration. After she warmed up a bit we took her back out for more snow fun. She wanted to make more "balls". Chad even helped her make a snow angel (she didn't like laying in the cold snow very much). Before coming inside, Emily fell on the sidewalk and scraped up the end of her nose. It looks worse than it was. She cried for a couple of seconds and then started asking for "balls" again. She had a great time in the snow!


At 4:30 PM, Blogger andrewsrock said...

I wondered how Emily hurt her nose! now I know! Glad to see you guys enjoyed the snow! Personally I'm tired of it! Emily seems to be talking good. Ellie takes us by surprise all of the time, with what she can say. Boys.....seem to be a little bit slower, atleast our boys were when it came to talking. It's fun though to here Ellie talking. It makes it a little easier to understand what she wants. Emily is adorable!!!

At 7:43 PM, Blogger AmyJane said...

Sean and I both loved the picture of her holding the snowball and looking so surprised/pleased with herself.

And Patrick had to take a moment to sign "hurt" and "sad"...and then he was off to paint her a picture that he says we will be sending to Emily "ina mailbox" to make her feel "better inside herself." So you can look forward to that little masterpeice... :)

At 7:18 AM, Blogger chad jensen said...

That's adorable. Tell Patrick that we will be waiting for the picture! Emily will love that.


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