Friday, February 15, 2008

Cookie Monster

It turns out that Emily is our very own "Cookie Monster"! Emily and I made Valentine sugar cookies on Tuesday. She had a great time watching the cookie making process. When I was finished with the dough, she decided that she wanted to try some. I told her that we weren't going to eat the dough, but when she woke up from her nap I'd let her have her very own "Emily sized" cookie. I baked the cookies while she was sleeping and even made some tiny heart cookies that were the perfect size for Emily.

As promised, I gave her a cookie for a snack after nap time. She LOVED it! (What's not to love, right?) I still had the cookies on the table cooling on racks. (Lucky for her, Nana sent us some new Signing Time videos and she just learned the sign for cookie.) As soon as she was finished, she looked over at the table full of cookies. She began to sign cookie while saying, "cooookie". I told her that she could have another one after lunch.

We went into the living room. A minute later I looked around and Emily was gone. I called her name and discovered her in the kitchen with a cookie in her hand and some "puppy dog" eyes looking up at me. She had helped herself to the cookies on the table. Ha! She's our little Cookie Monster!


At 6:00 AM, Blogger Faron and Erin said...

Those are some good lookin cookies! No wonder she was a cookie monster =) Emily is looking so grown up! I can't wait to see her soon!

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Eric & Gretchen said...

They look good! I can't believe how big Emily is looking. They grow up so fast!

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Jessica and Brady said...

I can't believe how old she is. She is so darn cute. Can't wait to see her!


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