Monday, April 13, 2009

Big Sister Party

Emily had a rough couple of nights while I was in the hospital. Neither she nor Chad got much sleep the night I had Annie. We found out the next day that Emily had an ear infection. The following night was better, but we were all happy when I was able to return home with Annie.

Chad and I decided that we wanted to give Emily some extra attention when I came home. Emily had seen a Mickey Mouse cartoon where they were having a birthday party and were finding party hats. She kept talking about party hats. The hospital gives you a Ben & Jerry's ice cream cake to take home when you have a baby. We thought it would be fun to have a "Big Sister"Party that night. This helped the focus to be on Emily becoming a big sister rather than on Annie coming home.

She had a great time and loved wearing her big sister party hat. She loves her little sister and is already such a wonderful big sister!


At 5:41 PM, Blogger Micah and Shannon said...

that is the greatest idea we have ever heard of. oh you guys are so cute!


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