Thursday, October 29, 2009

Annie's 6 months old!

Annie's 6 months old! Annie has been so much fun lately! Her cute personality is coming out more and more each day. She loves to have her tummy blown on and be tickled. She is full of giggles and smiles. Annie is curious about everything and is beginning to be mobile. She has tasted freedom and loves it!

At the beginning of the month she was rolling from one corner in the room to the other to get something she wanted. Then she did a sort of airplane/belly rock. The next thing we knew, she was doing a combo rolling/army crawl. It has now evolved into a full fledged army crawl.

She is interacting with Emily a lot. She watches Emily all the time and wants to play with what Emily is playing with. This has caused a bit of tension with her older sister who seems to be "emotionally attached" to EVERY toy we own as soon as Annie is playing with it. HA!

On a brighter note, Annie and Emily keep each other laughing and love to give hugs and kisses to each other. They are very cute together!


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