Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Emily's Preschool Graduation

This year I participated in a "mommy preschool" for Emily. The kids met for preschool once a week for a couple of hours. The mom's took turns teaching the lessons. They met at the person's house that was teaching.
Emily loved her "preschool". Even more than preschool, she loved her preschool friends. We had a really great group of kids, which made it a lot of fun. One of the moms suggested that we have a small preschool graduation for the kids on our last day. We met at a local park, had lunch and let the kids have some time to play and enjoy being together. Emily had a great time! She went all out and made them graduation caps, diplomas and cupcakes. She even had them make leis. The kids enjoyed every minute of it! (Thanks for all your hard work Jenny!)

Excited about preschool graduation.

Lizzy, Emily, Clara and Hallie

Making leis.

Getting in line. Ready to walk!

Emily receiving her diploma.

The graduates!

We tried to have the girls throw their hats in the air.
Emily got really into it!

Congratulations class of 2010!

Emily and her preschool friends.


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