Sunday, July 04, 2010

July 3rd - Dinner at the Reddings

Our first Sunday in our new ward I realized that some of my friends, Nolan and Lisa Redding, from my BYU days are in our new ward. They invited us over to their house for dinner on Saturday. We had a great time catching up and had a delicious meal. They have two darling girls that served as Emily's entertainment committee. They brought out all kinds of baby dolls and toys. They put on a puppet show, played hide-and-seek, and Emily's favorite, dress-up! They were so sweet with both she and Annie. When Chad was putting Emily to bed that night she told him to make sure that I talked with the girls parents and have them come over and play dress up with her. She and Annie both had a great time.

The down side to the night, was kind of funny, kind of embarrassing. During dinner Annie grabbed for Emily's lemonade cup and drenched herself. She had an already wet diaper that absorbed the rest of the lemonade. Then to make matters worse, when I went to the car to retrieve the diaper bag, to my astonishment it was gone. I forgot the diaper bag, more importantly the diapers! Oh well, Chad and I thought, she'll be okay. We realized all too late that her diaper was not only overly wet, but now was also dirty. Our gracious hosts had no diapers (their girls are not in the diaper stage) to offer, but did come through with a new package of
flushable wipes and a clean pair of Annie sized panties. We were a little nervous about he return trip, (given that she is not potty trained) but we made it accident free. Thanks to our friends being so gracious about the whole thing! I'm sure they had a good laugh after we left!! :-)


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