Thursday, August 11, 2011

Baby Sophie

Sophie Lynn Jensen

Our lives have been pretty crazy lately. We left Rhode Island and arrived in Utah on July 2nd. Because we were still trying to close on our house, we stayed in an extended stay hotel for a week and with Chad's cousin for several days after that. Things were lingering with the house and the movers were on the way to deliver our things. Chad worked it out with the owners so that we could move into the house and rent it from the owners until we officially closed on it. It was not a moment too soon! We moved into our house on Monday, the movers delivered our things on Tuesday and baby Sophie surprised us with her early arrival on Wednesday (July 13th- 16 days early). It was a busy week!

 We were hoping for another week to unpack and get things settled before the baby's arrival, but babies tend to come when they are ready.  I woke up around 3:00 am thinking I might be in labor.  We had only had one car (our other still in transit).  I wasn't having contractions and due to the early hour, Chad and I decided not to wake the kids until we knew more about the situation.  I drove myself to the hospital and was checked in.  

Chad now got the job of scrambling to find someone to watch our kids.  Luckily, we decided to attend our new ward the previous Sunday and met a few people.  Unfortunately, the paper with the names and phone numbers were in the car, parked in the hospital parking lot.  I remembered the last name of one of the ladies.  Chad looked up her phone number and dropped the kids off at her house (Emily was having a very difficult time.).  Chad took a taxi to the hospital and arrived just as they were about to give me an epidural.  Baby Sophie was born within the hour.  Things went a lot faster than anticipated, but overall it was the best delivery yet!

We decided to name her Sophie Lynn Jensen.  Sophie because we liked it and could agree on it and Lynn after my dad.  She was born at 9:54am, weighed 6lbs. 12 oz. and was 18 inches long.  She's ADORABLE!